self portrait Tom Ford

I grew up in East Germany and have lived in the US, Belgium, Brazil, the UK and Portugal (again and again). After 40 and some turbulent years on this earth I live once again in my favourite city and wake up every morning pinching myself.
For more background, check out my LinkedIn profile, or just say hello.

Happy reading!

leopard cropped
Hand-crafted artisan pavement, how can you not love Lisboa?

121 thoughts on “WHO

  1. Hi Dagmar, thanks for still reading me … think I’ve read all your posts?

    Do you take photos as well as you write? try ‘Weekend Notes’ they pay a cent per read, but those with loads of published articles get about $100 per month. I know that every little bit counts! Also looking into market research, they pay cash in hand – might be worth a try?
    take care, kate

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks Kate! I’ve been cutting down on WP, it was just too time-consuming and now that summer is here, I want to do more social and less media 😉 but not loose touch with the lovely people I’ve met because of it, so will keep on reading you.
      have a good one ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Die schönste Berufung zu sein was ich liebe
    Also Liebender zu sen
    In allem was ich wirke oder lasse
    Sei es Taxifahrer Kellner Schauspieler Dichter EhefrauMann
    oder einfach Mensch
    Du Glückliche
    Dir Joachim von Herzen

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on fulfilling your passion! I wanted to come over to thank you for visiting my blog and liking one of my posts. I love these opportunities to follow new blogs and I look forward to reading your posts. Have a good weekend! Steph

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG, this is epic, a whole script and hilarious at that. It needs to be a film, you definitely have a way with dialogue, the characters came to life just like Shelly said they would.
      Will read more on my day off 🙂


      1. It’s a radio script. My dear friend (Mr. Bhutto) and I have been writing these characters for about 40 years. It’s collaborative playing in the sand.
        Just a lark.




    1. Danke Melanie 🙂 just visited your blog and liked very much what I was reading. Very much agree with your ‘no complaining’ policy and yes, we are all in this boat together, so it makes sense to look after one another.
      Gute Nacht aus London! 🙂


  4. Fascinating ! To a man who has never set up residence much more than tens of miles from home. I thrive on vicarious experiences. Thanks for sharing yours ! BTW I am happy for you that you still have your teeth! ; )

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I had the horrible au-pair job in Paris in the 60s. and never went back to such a post. The grandparents were worse than the parents. I’ll friend you on Fb

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hallo liebe Dagmar,
    lieben Dank für deinen Besuch bei mir, vor allem die Kommentare – endlich mal ein bisschen Feedback 😉

    Und es ist mir eine Ehre, da ich beim Entdecken deines Blogs dachte:
    Wow, wieder so viel Talent.

    Weil du mich mitgenommen hast, in deine “Geschichten”.
    Lieben Dank auch dafür,
    Alles Liebe,

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Liebende Dagmar

    In Meinem letzten Leben
    War Ich Krieger Priester
    König Bettler Mönch
    Und lebe heute in
    Der Welt da Mir
    Das Erdenrund zu eng
    Und Worte finden Mich
    Wo immer Ich auch weile
    Wenn Ich in Meinem
    Herzen nur zu Hause bin

    Dir Joachim aus dem
    seltsamen Deutschland

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Danke für deine poesievollen und spontanen Worte. Auf solch ein ereignisreiches Leben kann ich leider nicht zurück blicken… Oder vielleicht üben wir alle die verschiedenen von dir oben erwähnten Berufe aus… Ja, im Herzen zu Hause sein, darauf und auf nichts anderes kommt es an.
      Die Insulanerin grüsst dich ganz herzlich, Dagmar

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Well thank you for visiting and liking my blog. Even I liked yours.
    Wat goes for me is like if I visit a blog and its the next 10-15 seconds that ‘I like it or not’.
    Fortunately, yours came in my liking :p =D
    Maybe, someday I would also do the same thing as you ‘ Love what you do’ 🙂 Good

    #wordpress #lovewriting #lovemeetingnewpeople #lifeisfun

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I wish I too can chuck my professional writing job and earn a living from my blog. But I haven’t the foggiest how. Nice to meet you and I really enjoyed reading this page.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Kerry, nice to hear from you! I had to catch up on some reading as the ‘holiday season’ instilled some hazy laziness in me… Thank you for nominating me. I read your answers with interest but will give mine a pass for now until I acquired some baking skills 😉 Happiest of New Years to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Do you believe in love at first read? I fell before I was half way through “No Business Like Snow Business.”. I’d propose marriage, but alas, I live in northern New York State (USA), and the winters are no better than Poland’s. (And I’m guessing my wife would disapprove).
    Good luck with the “Quit-your-job-for-something-else” movement. Let me know how that goes.
    Well, I love you and goodbye. Possibly the shortest romance on record.

    Take care & keep in touch.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Dear Paz,
      this leaves me smiling and speechless but also with great hope for my romantic life which is rather non-existent at the moment. Because if this can happen to a happily married man across the pond then it can happen to almost anybody 🙂
      Actually I’m still laughing. Thank you for brightening my evening with your heartfelt almost-proposal and let’s bear in mind that a romance short-lived is still a romance.
      Have a lovely weekend and now that the universe brought us together, I cannot help but follow you 😉
      have a great weekend,

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi, how lovely to meet you, thank you for visiting my blog. Looking forward to checking out more of yours – happy to hear that you are doing what you have always wanted to do. Enjoy and keep smiling!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Hi 🙂

    Thank you for the recent e-mail. I just wanted to check if you received our reply to you? We’re having some fun with e-mail at the moment and so I’m unsure if you would have got it~?

    Thank you.

    Best regards, Mike.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You had me at “jobless.” I told my manager two days ago that I’m going to quit. I’m 35 and don’t really have a solid plan. I am following my dream of pursuing something else..haha. I will be jobless soon too. We’re friends now whether you like it or not.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. well done! it takes courage to take a step like that and the line ‘I’m following my dream of pursuing something else’ is great. We can always start a WP-Jobless-Support-Group to help and encourage each other and maybe others who took the same step 🙂 Again, well done!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. A WP Jobless Support Group sounds delightful and humorous at the same time. Thank goodness for the internet. Without it we might think that people like us don’t exist..haha.


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